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10 Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

10 Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

10 Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon




Every year, plastic surgeons perform millions of cosmetic surgeries.

If you’re considering plastic surgery, it’s important that you know all the right questions to ask beforehand to make sure you get the end results you desire.

Here are ten plastic surgery questions you should ask before having plastic surgery.

Plastic Surgery Questions for Yourself

The first set of plastic surgery questions you ask should be directed toward yourself. After all, you’re the one paying for the procedure!

Some questions to ask include:

  1. Why do I Want Surgery?

If you want to be satisfied with the results of your surgery, you first need to ask yourself why you want to have a procedure done in the first place.

Are you trying to boost your self-esteem or please someone else in your life?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance!

But, if you’re not happy in your own skin and are changing to try and make other people happy, you may not end up loving the end result.

  1. How do I Define a Successful Surgery?

You should also think about what a successful surgery means to you. What are your goals?

Do you simply want to look younger? Or, do you want something very specific, like a smaller nose or slimmer thighs?

The clearer your vision, the more likely you are to achieve an end result that you actually want.

It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what a successful surgery looks like, yet, but a complimentary consultation should give you a better understanding of what you would like done.

  1. What Kind of Surgeon am I Looking for?

Think, too, about the kind of surgeon you want to work with.

Do you want someone with a friendly bedside manner? Or do you prefer someone who gets right down to business and doesn’t use a lot of chit chat?

Do you want to work with someone who will help guide you through the decision-making process?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, but it’s still important to think about these questions when you’re meeting with different surgeons.

At Atlanta, Face & Body, we are privleged to be led by Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker.

Questions for Your Surgeon

When you’ve finished asking yourself these questions, it’s time to think about the questions you’re going to ask your surgeon. Some must-ask questions include:

  1. How Long Have You Been Practicing?

In addition to the number of years practicing, you should also take into account how frequently the surgeon performs the specific procedure you want.

  1. Are you Board Certified?

When you’re trying to find the best plastic surgery practice, you should always confirm that your potential surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).

Being board certified says a lot about a surgeon’s training, experience, and commitments to patient safety.

To obtain this certification, surgeons must have the following credentials:

  • Obtained a degree from an accredited medical school
  • Successfully completed 3 years of general surgery
  • Successfully completed a 2- to 3-year plastic surgery residency program
  • Completed at least 2 years of professional practice after residency
  • Passed ABPS-administered oral and written exams

Board certification ensures that your surgeon has gone the extra mile.

It’s also especially valuable in the U.S. This is because any licensed physician is legally allowed to perform cosmetic surgeries here, even if they don’t have any previous training!

  1. May I See Examples of Previous Work?

Don’t hesitate to ask for samples of the surgeon’s past work.

If he or she is credible, they’ll be happy to provide them for you. If they do hesitate when you ask, this is a sign that you shouldn’t work with them. At Atlanta Face & Body, we are more than happy to share the before and after photos we have on numerous procedures.

Questions About the Surgery

You should also ask some specific questions about the surgery itself, including the following:

  1. How Much Will It Cost?

Lots of people don’t know what their surgery will cost until they actually get the bill — and then it’s too late to back out!

Ask your surgeon up front what the total cost of the surgery will be. You should also know that, unless you have a medical reason for your surgery, you will be expected to cover the full cost.

You should also ask about the costs that you may face after the surgery. For example, will you need to buy medical-grade products to treat your skin?

  1. What Type of Anesthesia Will I Receive?

Don’t forget to ask about the type of anesthesia the surgeon will use. This will help you get mentally and physically prepared for the procedure.

Some surgeons will use local anesthesia and others will use general anesthesia.

Both are considered safe, but the best option will vary from patient to patient.

  1. What Can I Expect During Recovery?

Many people schedule plastic surgery without knowing exactly what the recovery process will be like. Make sure you ask your surgeon what to expect so that you can make arrangements for work or childcare.

You will definitely have to deal with some restrictions for a few days or weeks after your surgery. For example, most patients have to avoid lifting heavy objects for a short period of time following their procedure.

The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be when the big day arrives.

  1. What Should I do to Prepare?

Depending on the type of procedure you’re receiving, the surgeon may ask you to do some work prior to your procedure.

For example, you may need to stop smoking or lose a certain amount of weight. Some surgeons also require you to follow a specific diet or stop or start taking certain medications.

Find out what’s expected of you ahead of time so you know exactly what you’ll be getting into.

You should also let the surgeon and anesthesiologist know about any allergies or conditions you have, as well as any medications or vitamins you’re currently taking.

Are You Ready for Surgery?

If you live in the Atlanta area and are interested in plastic surgery, contact us at Atlanta Face and Body today.

We offer everyone a free consultation, so you can get all your plastic surgery questions answered!

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10 Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

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