Repair Stretched or Oversized Earlobes with Earlobe Reduction for Men.
A man’s ears contribute to his overall individual appearance. For some men, the ears can be a significant source of self-consciousness, especially if the earlobes are overstretched or genetically too large. These concerns are more common than you think. Simple genetics or natural aging can contribute to earlobes being oversized or disproportionate, but a lot of men took part in a trend of stretching their earlobes with gauges of other popular jewelry in years past and now regret the lasting effects. Whatever the case is with you, earlobe reduction surgery can provide an effective solution for feeling confident about the appearance of your ears.
Am I a candidate for earlobe reduction for men?
If you’re a man who feels self-conscious about your earlobes, whether it’s them being too large, stretched, or disproportional, then earlobe reduction surgery may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Dr. Elizabeth and her staff will discuss your personal goals and help you decide if earlobe reduction surgery is the most beneficial option for you.
Before & After: Earlobe Reduction for Men
How is earlobe reduction surgery for men performed?
Earlobe reduction for men is a fairly simple surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia that typically takes about an hour complete (30 minutes per ear). Dr. Elizabeth will make the incisions in the crease between your earlobe and cheek, which will help to make any scars barely noticeable once healed. A small part of the earlobe is then carefully removed and the lobes sutured back together (usually with dissolvable sutures). The surgery is done in such a way to ensure both your earlobes are symmetrical and proportionate to the rest of your face. During the procedure, you’ll likely feel some movement and light pressure on your ears, but the local anesthesia will help you feel comfortable.
What’s the recovery like with earlobe reduction surgery?
We recommend you avoid any activity that could cause unnecessary pressure on your ears for several days after your surgery. In most cases, men need minimal downtime as most earlobe reduction patients return to work within a week. You’ll likely be advised to wear a sports headband for a few days while you sleep to protect your ears through healing. We’ll make sure to provide all details of aftercare instructions to help your recovery be as quick and comfortable as possible.
What are the side effects of earlobe reduction for men?
Just as with any surgical procedure, common side effects with earlobe reduction surgery include temporary swelling and bruising, which usually resolve on their own in a few days. Other effects may include discomfort, bleeding, itching, abnormal scarring, or risk of infection. We will discuss all the details of what you can expect and answer any questions you may have at your private consultation.
What are the results of earlobe reduction for men?
Most men notice significant improvement in the size and shape of their earlobes immediately following their procedure. Improvements continue over the course of the next few days as swelling and/or bruising diminish and total healing takes place. Once completely healed, incisions from earlobe reduction surgery are often difficult to see due to being in your natural creases. Your results will likely be permanent as long as you avoid the use of gauges or other heavy, overly stretching jewelry in the future.
What’s my next step to earlobe reduction for men in Atlanta?
If you’re a man who is self-conscious about his earlobes, then earlobe reduction surgery may be your best bet. Dr. Elizabeth has extensive experience with this kind of procedure, and she’d love to help you feel more confident in your appearance. Schedule your private consultation at Atlanta Face & Body today by calling us at (678) 888-3223 or clicking here to schedule online.