Improve the Size and Shape of Your Earlobes with Earlobe Reduction Surgery.
Ears come in all shapes and sizes and are often distinctive features that contribute to your individual appearance. For some people, their ears can be a constant source of self-consciousness, especially overstretched or genetically large earlobes. Earlobe concerns are more common than you may think. Years of wearing heavy earrings or gauges or even just the effects of genetics or natural aging can cause the earlobes to be oversized or disproportionate. Fortunately, earlobe reduction surgery offers an effective solution for those feeling self-conscious about their ears.
How is earlobe reduction surgery performed?
Earlobe reduction surgery is a straightforward procedure performed under local anesthesia that takes about an hour complete (usually just 30 minutes per ear). Dr. Elizabeth makes incisions typically in the crease between your earlobe and cheek to help ensure any scars are virtually undetectable. A small part of the overstretched tissue will be removed and the earlobe then sutured back together (most often with dissolvable sutures). Dr. Elizabeth carries out this surgery in such a way to ensure both earlobes are symmetrical and proportionate to the rest of your face. You may feel some movement and light pressure on your ears during the procedure, but the anesthesia will help prevent any discomfort.
Am I a candidate for earlobe reduction surgery?
If you feel your earlobes are too large or disproportional, or you desire a different earlobe shape or for them to be more attached rather than pendulous, then earlobe reduction surgery may be a good option for you to consider. Dr. Elizabeth and her staff will discuss your personal aesthetic goals and help you decide if earlobe reduction surgery is the best solution for you.

Before & After: Earlobe Reduction
What is the recovery from earlobe reduction surgery like?
Following your surgery, we recommend you avoid any activity that could cause pressure on the ears for several days. Downtime is minimal in most cases and patients typically return to work within a week. You’ll probably be advised to wear a sports headband at night for a few days to protect the incisions while they heal. Dr. Elizabeth and her staff will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure your recovery is as fast and comfortable as possible
What are the potential side effects of earlobe reduction surgery?
As with most surgical procedures, the most common side effects from earlobe reduction surgery are swelling and bruising. These are temporary and usually resolve in a few days. Other side effects may include itching, discomfort, bleeding, scarring, or infection. Dr. Elizabeth and her staff at Atlanta Face & Body will discuss all the details of what you can expect at your private consultation.
What results can I expect from earlobe reduction surgery?
You’ll notice significant improvement in the size and shape of your earlobes immediately after surgery. These improvements will continue to progress over the course of several days as any swelling or bruising subsides and complete healing takes place. Once healed, the incisions will most likely be difficult to see. Results are permanent so long as heavy jewelry or gauges are avoided going forward.
What’s my next step to loving my ears again with earlobe reduction surgery in Atlanta?
If you’re self-conscious about your earlobes and desire a solution, then earlobe reduction surgery may be a great option for you. Your journey to improved confidence can start by scheduling a private consultation at Atlanta Face & Body by calling us at (678) 888-3223 or clicking here to schedule online.