Re-contour facial hollows and folds with fat transfer from your own body.
When we think of fat, an attractive, youthful appearance isn’t typically the first thing that comes to mind. But fat is actually the source of a supple, apple-shaped face most of us tend to take for granted in our younger years. As we age, the fat in the cheeks diminishes and shifts downward, creating a hollow, sunken appearance and eventual jowling along the jawline.
By harvesting fat from your own body (from an area where the fat is unwanted anyway), the youthful inverted “triangle” shape of the face can be restored. In fact, our fat transfer to face procedure remains a very popular treatment for Atlanta Face & Body patients who wish to regain a long-lost level of confidence.
How does fat transfer to face work?
Let’s face it, no matter how much we diet and exercise, most of us have areas of fat that just won’t seem to budge. During your fat transfer procedure, fat cells are removed from these undesirable areas, such as the hips, buttocks, abdomen, or thighs, and strategically transferred to the area of the face (or even the hands) where a fuller appearance is desired. Although not all of the fat that is grafted during this procedure will survive once injected in the new location, significant portions of the fat cells do indeed flourish, allowing for noticeable changes in volume.

Before & After: Fat Transfer to Face
Am I a candidate for fat transfer?
Good candidates for fat transfer are people in generally good health who wish to address facial volume loss brought on by either aging, illness, or genetics. It’s also important that candidates have realistic expectations along with enough fatty tissue in parts of their body to be safely harvested for the procedure. During your private consultation at Atlanta Face & Body, Dr. Elizabeth will perform a thorough evaluation and help you determine if fat transfer is an ideal method to meet your individual aesthetic goals.
What can I expect during a fat transfer procedure?
Fat transfer is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed with simple relaxation techniques and local anesthesia. IV sedation may be used depending on the amount of fat to be harvested and the patient’s comfort level. Fat cells are carefully extracted from the specified donor area and quickly processed to promote efficacy. After processing, the cells are then re-injected into the desired areas where you wish to see improvement. The whole procedure is typically performed in less than an hour.
What areas can be treated with fat transfer in Atlanta?
Fat transfer is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed with relaxation and local anesthesia or IV sedation. Fat cells are harvested and processed from the donor area, which is typically the stomach, thighs, or buttocks. After processing, the cells are re-injected into the desired areas. There is some overcorrection as the fat take can be somewhat variable, so there may be some swelling and puffiness during the healing process. The procedure itself typically is performed in less than an hour. Fat transfer results are technique dependent, so seek a surgeon like Dr. Elizabeth with significant experience with this procedure.
What kind of recovery is needed following fat transfer?
Recovery after fat transfer may take several days up to a couple of weeks depending on the amount of fat harvested. Temporary swelling, bruising, and redness may occur at both the donor and recipient sites. Some degree of swelling may last for several weeks. Due to necessary overfilling to promote best results by ensuring an ample amount of fat cells survive, your face may also appear puffy for a few days after treatment.
Most patients usually return to work within 1-2 weeks following fat transfer, though we recommend holding off on any strenuous activities for at least two to three weeks. Some patients may require a second or third follow-up procedure several months apart for optimal results.
What results can I expect from fat transfer?
After the initial swelling subsides, you’ll most likely notice a fuller, younger appearance in the treatment area. Fat injections are a longer-lasting alternative to dermal fillers. Typically, fillers need to be repeated every 6-12 months, whereas results from fat injections can last for years as the fat transferred ages naturally with you.
The longevity of the results from fat transfer depends on multiple factors, such as the method used for harvesting the fat, the fat purification process, and location of fat injections. On average, 30-50% of fat cells injected survive and last indefinitely. We’ll go over more details of what you can expect during your private consultation.