Reclaim A Youthful Appearance With A Signature Lift™ (Facelift).
There’s no denying that the effects of aging frequently reflect in the face and neck. The skin naturally loses elasticity and begins to sag, causing the appearance of jowls along the jawline and vertical folds on the neck, among other unwanted effects. Since no one is immune to the consequences time has on the skin, it’s not surprising that surgical facelifts continue to be popular options among those who wish to reclaim a youthful appearance and an ensuing boost in self-confidence.
In the past, facelift surgery was predominantly sought after by women in their 50s and older. Today, both women and men are electing certain facelift procedures at even younger ages to address earlier signs of aging. In fact, a growing trend in recent years is for people in their 40s and early 50s to choose a lesser degree of facelift surgery just as the signs of aging are beginning to manifest. That’s where Dr. Elizabeth’s Signature Lift (Facelift) can be a great option. This innovative technique provides a less invasive path to a more youthful appearance for men and women of varying ages. Less invasive often means faster healing time as well.

Before & After: Signature Lift (Facelift)
How does the Signature Lift (Facelift) work?
Dr. Elizabeth uses shorter incisions which are typically located in the hairline or in the natural creases around the ear. Through these incisions, the skin around the cheeks is gently lifted and tightened to redefine the jawline and soften the appearance of mild to moderate jowling. Depending on the level of customization for the procedure and your individual comfort level, the Signature Lift may be performed using only local anesthesia with relaxation or intravenous anesthesia. General anesthesia with gases and intubation is not needed. This may result in less risk of adverse reactions and a faster recovery time.
What makes the Signature Lift (Facelift) different?
Dr. Elizabeth combines aspects of her training in deep plane facelift and SMAS techniques to customize a lift that is less invasive compared to more traditional facelift surgery. This procedure can offer a means of addressing the earlier signs of aging before they become too pronounced and should result in significantly delaying the need for more extensive surgery down the road. Through the Signature Lift (Facelift), Dr. Elizabeth helps her patients achieve a more natural-looking, refreshed, and youthful appearance, as opposed to the undesired “overdone” appearance seen with some facelift techniques. In addition, the less invasive approach of the Signature Lift often leads to a faster, enhanced recovery.
What conditions can be addressed with a Signature Lift (Facelift)?
The Signature Lift (Facelift) can help alleviate the signs of aging that present in the following ways:
- Lines and wrinkles on the lower face
- Mild to moderate sagging skin
- Jowling
- Neck laxity and muscle bands
Am I a candidate for a Signature Lift (Facelift)?
The Signature Lift (Facelift) may be a good option for adults in their 40s to 50s who are in generally good health and concerned about the earlier signs of aging. Most patients who elect this treatment are experiencing some form of mild to moderate skin laxity. For those displaying more advanced signs of aging in the form of more pronounced sagging, they may better benefit from a more extensive Signature Lift procedure. Dr. Elizabeth and her staff will discuss your individual concerns and explain all options available to help you make an informed decision that will best meet your aesthetic goals.
What is the recovery like from a Signature Lift (Facelift)?
Since every procedure is customized, recovery times will vary based on the individual. Because Dr. Elizabeth’s Signature Lift procedure is designed to be less invasive than traditional facelift surgery, most patients experience shorter recovery times by comparison. In general, you’ll need a few days to recuperate and will be asked to avoid strenuous activity as the healing process takes place. Swelling and mild bruising are common side effects, but these will subside in the days following your procedure. You’ll be sent home with a detailed recovery plan to promote the fastest healing time possible. We’ll thoroughly go over all those details at your appointment and make sure you have a clear understanding of what to expect.
What results can I expect from a Signature Lift (Facelift)?
As you recover from your Signature Lift surgery, you’ll soon notice tighter, younger looking skin once any swelling subsides. While most people feel comfortable being out in public within 7-10 days, it may take 1-3 months for your face to feel completely normal in terms of texture, sensibility, and softening of tightness. Still, every case is different, and results may vary due to a number of factors. Dr. Elizabeth will discuss everything you can expect at your facelift consultation.
What’s the next step in getting a Signature Lift (Facelift) in Atlanta?
A beautiful, rejuvenated appearance with the Signature Lift may only be a phone call away. Reach out to us today by calling (678) 888-3223 to set up your private consultation. Dr. Elizabeth will explain the procedure in detail after evaluating your personal aesthetic goals and determine the best treatment path to fulfill your needs.
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