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The Top 10 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

The Top 10 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure that many turn to in order to minimize hair growth in certain areas of the body. It can be performed almost anywhere including the underarm, chest, back and along the bikini line. And, it’s a great option in reducing hair growth over a long period of time.

For some, laser hair removal is a necessity for a health condition, while for others, it makes them feel and look their best cosmetically. This is a treatment that is popular among women, but many men also find it to be helpful as well. It’s a great way to eliminate unwanted hair in areas where it tends to grow fast.

Have you ever wondered why this procedure is so popular?

Many people are finding out how beneficial the procedure is. From saving money on personal hygiene products to the ease of treatment. You get a lot out of it! It’s also a non-surgical procedure that can be done quickly with an almost instant pay-off.

Read on to find out the top 10 benefits of laser hair removal.

1. It’s Quick and Easy

You’ll need a few appointments to achieve optimal results when getting laser hair removal, but each one doesn’t take long to finish.

For small areas, the procedure can be done within a few minutes. For larger areas, it can take around 30 minutes. It’s a small amount of time to commit to each appointment, but the results are incredible!

Since the laser targets multiple hair follicles at once, the treatment goes much faster. Despite this, the speed of the procedure doesn’t sacrifice its effectiveness.

In order for your laser hair removal to work best, it’s important to schedule multiple appointments that aren’t too far off from one another. For most people, you’ll need four to eight treatments to start seeing the results of permanent hair removal.

Each treatment that you receive will increase the effectiveness of hair removal. You’ll notice the decrease in hair each time you step out of a session.

Committing to these short appointments is easy when you see how much time is saved from shaving daily!

2. Save Time Each Day

With that being said, a few laser hair removal appointments can have you on your way to saving time daily.

Shaving can take up a lot of time each day. Waxing appointments are also quite timely, and you have to book these often.

When you make a waxing appointment, they can take up to an hour. After doing it, the hair will also grow back around 3 weeks after the appointment. This means that it will be time to book another appointment and the cycle will continue.

With laser hair removal, the results last. Only a tiny fraction of the hair will ever grow again. When it does, it will be thinner, less noticeable and easily cleaned up.

3. More Money in Your Pocket

You’ll notice that you’re no longer spending money on razors and razor heads. You won’t need to go for that monthly waxing session. There won’t be a need to as the hair will stop growing back in the treated areas.

At most, you may need a laser hair removal touch-up treatment every now and then.

Despite this, with the treatments being short and simple, you’ll find that the appointments are cost-effective.

4. Long-Lasting Results

As mentioned earlier, laser hair removal is treated in a few sessions. The sessions are used to penetrate each hair so that it makes it harder for it to grow back.

If you attend all of your scheduled appointments, you can expect a dramatic reduction in the hair that grows back. In most cases, a few hairs here and there will still appear, but they can be easily removed.

After the initial sessions, you can have touch-ups done on a yearly basis to make sure that the results last for as long as possible. This will help minimize the number of stray hairs that defy the odds and grow back as time goes on.

For the most part, you won’t see much hair making a return in the treated areas after all your sessions are complete. You will notice how easy your routine is without shaving, though!

5. Say Goodbye to Ingrown Hairs

One great thing about laser hair removal is that ingrown hairs won’t be a problem for you anymore!

Everyone has had that moment where they shave and a painful ingrown hair starts to form. It most commonly happens when you shave or wax your hair.

The reason this happens is that the hair breaks off and leaves an uneven edge. The good news is that this painful occurrence can be avoided with laser treatment.

When you get laser hair removal, it changes the hair texture. This means that the chance of developing ingrown hair is much lower than it is with other hair removal methods. With this procedure, the hair isn’t being broken off, but it’s targeted at the root instead.

6. Laser Hair Removal is Precise

If you’re looking to get laser hair removal, it’s important that your hair isn’t blonde. This is because the laser can only effectively target and eliminate darker hair. Blonde hair is not easy for the laser to target as it isn’t as pigmented as darker hair is.

To give you the quickest and most effective treatment, here’s how the laser works.

The laser targets small groups of hairs in the area and sends a pulse out to them. The strength of this is set for your hair type and pigmentation on the machine so that the pulse is as effective as it can be on your hair. It hits the follicle and stops the hair from growing.

This precision of the pulses helps to reach the ultimate goal of hair reduction after receiving the treatment.

7. Minimal Discomfort

If you’re afraid that a laser means that you’ll be experiencing intense pain, don’t worry any longer! The treatment is relatively mild and nothing to stress out about.

As with many procedures, there will be a little bit of discomfort. The best way to describe the pain of laser hair removal is that it feels like a pinch. This can be different depending on the sensitivity of the area.

Before the procedure, your skin will be treated with numbing cream that will help take away some of the pain. Though this sounds scary, there’s nothing to fear when getting this treatment.

8. There Are Almost No Side Effects

You know that pain won’t be a big issue during the procedure, but it’s also nothing to worry about after it’s complete.

One normal side effect of laser hair removal is that the area will inevitably be a little sensitive for a few days. It might be a little uncomfortable, but it won’t be intolerable.

Many describe the feeling as being similar to a minor sunburn. There are ways to relieve this feeling, however. If you have an ice pack, applying it to the affected area can be helpful.

You can also treat the sensitive area with some cream after the procedure.

You may notice a slight change in skin pigmentation, but this is also normal. It will go away in a couple of days as well.

There are only a couple of things that you can’t do after the treatment, which doesn’t require any downtime after it’s complete. One important thing to do is to keep the treated areas out of the sun and do not tan for about a week after.

9. The Treatment is Safe

When you go to a clinic for your treatments, you’ll meet with a trained professional. They have learned how to properly set the laser so that it works for you and your hair. They’re also trained to use different laser devices.

The FDA also approves laser hair removal treatments. That means that you can rest assured that they are safe.

If you’ve put off getting laser hair removal for these reasons, it’s good to know that there’s nothing to worry about.

10. Preparation for an Appointment is Easy

If you’ve ever gotten a wax, then you know that you need enough hair growth in order for it to be effective. This means that you have to wait for the hair to grow out before you can book your appointment, which can be a pain.

The only thing that you shouldn’t do before your appointment is wax your hair. If you do this, then the root of the hair won’t be there to treat.

Are You Ready For Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Now that you know all of the benefits that laser hair removal can provide you with, why not consider getting the treatment done?

It’s a great way to free up some time, save money on personal hygiene products and to get long-lasting results. It’s also sure to leave you feeling confident!

Putting in a little bit of time and money now can make for a fulfilling pay-off later. Who wants to add shaving to their busy daily routine anyway?

If you’ve decided to get the treatment for yourself, your next step should be to find a professional clinic that can perform it for you.

Atlanta Face and Body has the necessary equipment for a job well done. Our office can perform many other cosmetic procedures as well.

We are accredited with the AAAHC. This means that you can feel confident that you’re working with qualified professionals.

When you come in, you’ll meet with a professional that can walk you through the detailed process and answer any questions that you may have.

Do you want to find out more and speak with one of our certified professionals? Schedule your free consultation with us today!

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The Top 10 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

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