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What is a Double Chin: 4 Causes Explained

What is a Double Chin: 4 Causes Explained

People spent more than $15 billion last year on cosmetic surgery in the U.S. with the goal of improving their appearance.

This makes it clear that how we look is important to us. Have you considered some form of cosmetic surgery to fix a part of your body that you’re not happy with?

One area that’s getting a lot of attention is surgery for fixing a double chin. Here, we’ll explain all you need to know about double chins. We’ll tell you what a double chin is, what it’s caused by, how to improve the look of a double chin and the different procedures that are available to treat it.

If you have a double chin, you can use this as your guide. Read on to find out more about how you can start to take care of your double chin.

What Is a Double Chin?

A double chin, or a chin roll, is when a fatty layer builds up beneath the chin. Known as a submental fat layer, it tends to hang loose and makes it look like you have another chin. The result is that it can leave a negative impact on your appearance.

The most common assumption is that the cause of the issue is weight. However, the truth is that many factors can contribute to a chin roll. Here, we’ll look at what some of them are. Understanding what the cause is can then help you start to take action towards helping you get rid of double chin issues.

What Are the Causes of a Double Chin?

The causes of a double chin vary from factors we have more control over, to those that we don’t. Sometimes it can be a result of lifestyle factors, while others it can be due to natural bodily processes.

Here are some of the main causes of a chin roll that we’ll look at:

  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Weight
  • Poor posture

Let’s find out more about how they can contribute to a double chin, and maybe even help you uncover what might be causing the issue for you.


A chin roll can be a result of the natural aging process. Since we’re all getting older, the time could eventually come when we might become faced with a double chin.

As the skin begins to age, it can lose elasticity which can contribute to loose hanging skin below the chin. This can then lead to a double chin. While it’s difficult to avoid, some exercises can help here which we’ll discuss in more detail later in the article.


How elastic your chin is, is often related to your experience of a double chin. Sometimes your genes might lend to a less elastic chin. If either of your parents had a chin roll issue, it increases the likelihood that you will too.

This makes it harder to avoid the chances of you having a double chin when compared with lifestyle factors such as weight gain and posture.

Weight Gain

If you’ve recently gained weight, and a double chin has started to show, weight is likely part of the cause. However, the good news here is that this is a problem that can be easily managed.

With dietary changes and a better exercise routine, getting rid of double chin issues can be achieved. Swap food that’s processed or high in sugar with healthy, wholesome food. If you’re lacking a good exercise structure, planning to add more into your routine can be very helpful here.

Simple lifestyle changes can go a long way towards improving the look of your face and chin.

Poor Posture

Incorrect posture can lead to weaker muscles around your neck and chin. As time moves by, the skin can lose its elasticity, resulting in a double chin.

Exercise can also play a role again here. If you lack a healthy exercise routine, the muscle in these areas can lose their strength. But if you engage in good postural techniques, you can rectify the issue.

For better posture, maintain a straight back and tilt your head slightly upward. This can help to lengthen the spine, strengthen the muscles within your neck and chin, and make them more elastic.

What Options Are Available?

A good plastic surgeon will work with you to improve the appearance of your chin. At Atlanta Face & Body, we’re committed to providing the best quality of service possible while performing your double chin procedure.

There are several options available for double chins that you can benefit from. We can help you work towards a look and feel that leaves you happy with our different treatment options for your double chin.

We can treat your chin roll using:

  • Chin liposuction
  • Face-lift
  • Neck-lift
  • FaceTite procedure
  • Chin implant surgery

Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction can be helpful as it involves removing excess fat from beneath your chin.

It can come in handy since improvements in diet and exercise don’t always work. While we’ve seen that they can be helpful for some people, those suffering a chin roll as a result of genetics or aging will likely require the help of a procedure.

At Atlanta Face & Body, we combine chin liposuction with skin tightening treatments and our Signature ProfileLift™ Facelift to give the best results. This helps to improve the elasticity of the skin of the chin and neck while getting rid of chin fat that’s contributing to the problem.

If you require help to improve the structure and fullness of your face, we also offer our Signature PrecisionLift™ as an option. here, you can experience a better appearance of your jaw and neck without the need for an incision.


A face-lift can help fix a chin roll by removing the fat and loose skin around your neck and chin.

Our Signature Lift improves a double chin that’s often caused as a result of skin that sags with age and a softened jawline resulting in a fold below the chin. Since the problem is so common, it’s no surprise that face-lifts are the third most popular facial procedure used, having great success.

We at Atlanta Face & Body offer several different face-lift options in addition to our Signature Lift, including our Signature Minilift, Signature NeckLift™ Facelift, and more. We’ll help you choose the procedure that’s best for you.


The neck can be one of the first places for skin to lose elasticity, making it become loose. This can give an undesirable and older look to your face. If this has happened to you, wouldn’t you like to have your skin and face feel young again?

The Signature NeckLift™ is a procedure we offer that allows you to regain youth in your neck, making it look great and allowing you to walk with confidence again. Whether you’re male or female, this exciting new procedure can benefit you.

Slight incisions made behind your ears and below your chin target the areas specific to your neck that relate to aging. Remove excess skin while hiding your scars or loosening your skin. This specialized procedure is an effective one for helping you resolve the issues of your double chin.

FaceTite Procedure

Similar to the face-lift procedure, FaceTite can help improve your double chin along with additional benefits. With FaceTite, you can expect a faster recovery with fewer incisions needed for surgery.

It can help give your whole face a better fit and feel by working to:

  • Remove your double chin
  • Improve deep line structures
  • Reduce sagging skin

Chin fat is removed during the surgery and the features of your face are improved through an increase in collagen production. Collagen helps improve skin health and quality, giving your skin the youthful look that you long for.

Chin Implant Surgery

Chin implant surgery involves directly attaching an implant onto the bone of the chin.

With a chin implant, you can expect a change in your chin’s shape and size that leads to better balance. The neck becomes longer and therefore can hide the effects that are impacted as a result of a double chin.

Having a chin implant put in can also complement the work of a face-lift. The two can go hand in hand towards a better recovery and overall appearance of your face and chin.

You might want to undergo chin implant surgery if you’re not satisfied with the shape of your face and a chin roll is contributing to the problem.

What Exercises Can Help Improve Your Double Chin?

There are several exercises that you can follow to help you take care of your chin rolls. However, it’s important to realize that while they might help in some cases, surgery will generally provide better outcomes.

Where exercises can be helpful, here are some that you can use. Try fitting them into your schedule throughout the day. They can also come in handy to relieve some of the problems your chin rolls cause while you wait and prepare for surgery.

They include:

  • Around the world
  • Kiss the sky
  • Squeeze the ball
  • Chew your gum

Around the World

First, you’ll want to ensure you warm your muscles up and loosened. Move your head in a circular shape by lifting your head forward, down, and back up again. Change direction after you’ve completed a few rounds.

Perform the same movement with your jaw. Hold for a few seconds at the end of each round before moving on to the next one. Now, you’ll be ready for your exercises.

Kiss the Sky

Keep your back straight and relax your shoulders. Move your head slightly back while looking up at the ceiling. Pout your lips as if you’re kissing the sky and move them as far forward as you possibly can.

This should result in the muscles of your chin and neck feeling more relaxed. Complete the hold for between five and twenty seconds, and then let go. Try this exercise ten to fifteen times for each round.

Squeeze the Ball

Having a ball at hand can be an easy reminder that you have an exercise to complete. This is where the ball squeeze comes in.

This exercise is best followed while sitting down straight. Keep your back positioned upright, and relax comfortably into your seat, rolling your shoulders gently back. Position the ball beneath your chin, placing some pressure on it.

Try performing the exercise between ten and thirty times for each session. You can keep your ball handy beside your desk or in a drawer by your bed.

Chew Your Gum

Chewing gum might be overlooked as a treatment strategy, but it can help you remove your double chin in a few different ways:

  • It can reduce hunger and make you less likely to snack or overeat
  • It’s can provide great benefits such as strengthening your jaw, reducing chin fat, and improving the tightness and elasticity of the skin on your chin

Why Should You Choose Atlanta Face & Body?

Having performed more than 5,000 face-lifts and many other surgeries, Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker is well equipped to handle your needs.

At Atlanta Face & Body, we know how unpleasant a double chin can be. But with our double-board certified surgeon by your side, you know you can trust us to perform your surgery successfully.

We seek to ensure that the care and comfort of our patients are always maintained to the best possible standard. What you deserve, we strive to provide. At Atlanta Face & Body, we’ll work with you to have you look and feel about yourself just the way you should.

The Cosmetic Surgeon for All Your Needs

Are you ready to start feeling young again? Then we’re here to help.

We’ve given you all you need to know about how to get rid of a chin roll. When you come to us for surgery, you won’t need to worry about your double chin anymore. It’ll be gone for good.

Schedule your appointment with us by completing our online form. Alternatively, you can give us a call and we’ll tell you more. We can’t wait to work with you!

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What is a Double Chin: 4 Causes Explained

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